Peer to Peer Donation Script Features

Public Site Features

WordPress CMS

The script allows the admin to design the website with the WordPress CMS so you can use them to better.

Premium Theme

Admin panel is provided with feature-rich easy to use and manage premium themes.


You can display all your testimonials on your website and even you can choose which testimonials should be displayed and more

Divi Builder

Explore new and exciting layout with the help of Divi Builder

Newsletter Subscription

Subscribe to the newsletter to get all the latest news.

Media Support

Add your custom images, videos and audios to your site.

Social Links & Widgets

Showcase all your social media platform in a single place. Keep your visitors engaged with social links and widgets.

Attractive CTA Buttons

Make use of attractive CTA buttons on your website and increase your goal conversion.


With a blog, update all the latest and important information about your website and others.

Raise your funds with the world’s best peer to peer donation script.

Admin Side Features

Admin Dashboard
Peer to Peer Donation Script admin dashboard will display the total number of users, number of today’s new registration, today’s donation and more.
Donation Management
Peer to Peer Donation Script donation management display the list of PH and GH donations history. Admin can cancel the donation.
Referral History
In Peer to Peer Donation Script, to display the list of user referral history.
User Management
Through user management, admin can add, edit, delete and suspend users. Admin can reset the users passwords and the system will automatically send an email with new password to the member.
With the help of settings, admin can set minimum, maximum amount of donation, minimum – maximum number of donation, admin commission, referral commission and bonus settings.

Members Side Features

In Peer to Peer Donation Script user dashboard, one can see their available balance, referral link, provide help and get help history.
My Profile
Peer to Peer Donation Script allow users to add and update details like bitcoin address, bank details and more in their profiles. The profile information can also be seen by admin in User Management.
Peer to Peer Donation Script sends the notifications via email, SMS for new registration, new PH and new GH request and other details.
Peer to Peer Donation Script users will receive their registration details such as username, password and more.
Support Desk
Our technical support team is available through a Ticketing System and based on severity the Tickets will be resolved in 4 – 48 Hours. We also support on LiveChat, Skype, Phone.
Statement of Accounts
In user dashboard, the account statements are displayed with their get help user or give help users.
List of help given
List of PH donation history with the user details like who get the help and the donation’s status like assigned, not assigned, or cancelled are displayed.
List of help received
List of GH donation history with the user details like who provide the help and the donation’s status like assigned, not assigned, or cancelled are displayed.
Referral Income
Peer to Peer Donation Script system allows the user to refer site of their friends with unique referral URL in their account dashboard. If any of the user joins using referral URL, the user gets Referral income for the first deposit.
Member's Chat
In Peer to Peer Donation Script, the member can easily communicate with the another user.
Invite Freinds
Peer to Peer Donation Script allows to refer or invite friends through their own unique referral ID. This referral link will available in the member dashboard.